This article is about the EY Catalyst Smart Daily Management application.
- Complete the steps in the article, Create a new clean, inspect, lubricate (CIL) definition as draft.
- The Route Details tab opens with Detail selected. Ensure that the correct asset is selected from the context menu.
- Enter a name and description for the CIL definition.
- Specify when the CIL task needs to be performed in the process by entering a numerical value in the Sequence box. By default, the definition is assigned the next available number in the sequence based on the existing list of CILs.
- Select Next or Select Asset in the navigation panel.
- The Select Asset page contains two drop-down lists:
- In the first drop-down list, you can choose whether you want to define the CIL for an asset, level, class, or hierarchy.
- You can then select the appropriate asset, level, class, or hierarchy in the second drop-down list.
- Select Next or select Assign To in the navigation panel.
- On the Select User page, you can choose whether to assign it to a team, a user role, or a specific user:
- Select Team, User Role, or User in the first drop-down list.
- In the second drop-down list, select the specific user, team, or user role.
- Select Next or Scheduling in the navigation panel.
- On the Scheduling page, you can set one or more conditions to trigger the CIL task. In the first drop-down list, you can choose whether you want to define the trigger for a specific time or a specific event. You can then select the specific trigger in the second drop-down list.
- If you want to add an active material as a condition, you first need to provide a time or event trigger:
- To define a time-based condition, select Trigger (Time) in the first drop-down list and then select a time interval from the second drop-down list.
- To define an event-based condition, select Trigger (Event) in the first drop-down list and then select a specific event from the second drop-down list. You will need to configure additional settings based on the event you selected.
- To add another condition, select +Add Condition. In addition to choosing a trigger, you can now also specify an active material.
- When you add more than one condition, you need to choose whether both conditions need to apply, or only condition needs to apply:
- If both conditions need to apply, select And from the first drop-down list for the condition.
- If only one of the conditions need to apply, select Or from the drop-down list for the condition.
- Next, you can specify expiry or escalation rules for the CIL. Alternatively, you can skip to Step 15.
- Select Expiry/Escalation Rules in the navigation panel. In the first drop-down list, you can choose to automatically expire the CIL or assign responsibility for escalating or expiring it to a user, team, or role.
- To automatically expire the CIL, select Remove/Soft Delete from the drop-down list. Select the mins box and specify the expiration time in minutes.
- To assign the responsibility for escalating the CIL, select Assign To in the first drop-down list. In the second drop-down list, choose whether to assign it to a user, team, or user role. In the third drop-down list, select a specific user, team, or role. You can also define a time limit in minutes in the mins box.
- Next, you can specify execution rules for the CIL. Alternatively, you can skip to Step 16.
- Select Execution Rules in the navigation panel. Select +Add Condition.
- From the drop-down list, select the rule for the condition. If you select any active material, you need to specify an attribute for each material you specify.
- Select Next or select Media and Links in the navigation panel. Here you can add media or web links that give more information about the CIL route:
- Select Image, Video, or Document to upload a relevant file.
- To add a link, specify a user-friendly name in the Name box and specify the URL or web link in the URL box.
- To add additional links, select +Link.
- Select Save to create the CIL definition.
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