This article is about the EY Catalyst Smart Daily Management application.
- Launch the Clean Inspect Lubricate module; or select the hamburger button in the top-right corner and select Daily Management > Clean Inspect Lubricate.
- The Cleaning, Inspection, Lubrication metrics section displays a graph that tracks CIL completion for the current 24-hour period. The page also displays the actual and target CIL completion as percentages.
- Ensure that you have selected the correct asset from the context menu.
- Scroll down to the CIL table to view the version, name, status, and effective start and end date for each CIL standard.
- Select Next and Previous to navigate the list of standards; or type the page number in the Page box if you know which page you want to view.
- You can choose which CIL definitions to view by selecting the appropriate option from the Status and/or Product drop-down lists.
- To view the CIL definition, select its row in the CIL table.
- In the CIL table, you can view the route details and view more information about the steps in the route.
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